K.T. Connor, PhD, RSHI President, provides a letter sharing the spirit of Hartman’s insight into the evil of dividing—and the goodness of collaborating—to encourage us all to continue the work of bringing people together.
Have you ever wondered why we feel Hartman is so important? Have you realized that, though we know his profile has enriched many, there is more?
There’s a monograph of Hartman that we will be publishing and making available. It’s about war. And he begins it by reflecting on his experience of Hitler’s war appetite. He keyed into Hitler’s impact on the good people whom he governed, how they failed to see what he was doing. It captures a view that echoes what our world needs today, though it speaks of his experience under Hitler.
With a little compassion, with a little conscience, with a little responsibility--of all, for all men on this globe--the whole catastrophe would have been avoided. Against the motto of the strong--Divide and Rule-- the weak, the common people of the earth, you and I, must embrace the motto Teamwork, in war as in peace…. Teamwork of all races, teamwork of all religions, of all classes, of all professions, teamwork of all families, teamwork of all nations.
In the spirit of Hartman’s insight into the evil of dividing--and the goodness of collaborating--we must work hard to bring people together. And we hope this bringing together inspires many to dig deeper in Hartman’s rich coaching into how to build a better world. Let’s find some exceptional ways to unite rather than divide, to join with, rather than conquer.
That’s why we encourage all to join the Institute—yes, some use the profile and share with others even from different sources. But perhaps even more important, some think hard and carefully about the value of Hartman’s unique sensitivity in our day to day world. Let us join together and use his vision to face the challenges that surround us.
We want to reach out to unite the world. We want to build others up so that they know and accept themselves and reach out to give. Fortunately, there are many who are enriched by Hartman’s view. His challenging and strengthening thinking will not only enrich their lives, but their world, and also ours, as they begin to share it.
I’ve been with the Institute for 30 years now and am grateful to have known those who have known Hartman. I am grateful, too, of those who have joined in the last several years and have given themselves to bring Hartman’s work more and more close to affecting our world of today.
Thank you for taking the time to think about all this. Be sure to explore some of his writings. They will wrap you deeply with his unique but universal vision!
K.T. Connor, PhD