K.T. Connor, PhD, RSHI President, provides a letter asking core questions and providing key reminders from Hartman to serve as a source of strength in these unprecedented times.
As we face the crisis of our world today, we see many images of people reaching out to one another. We also hear of the importance of getting in touch with ourselves as well. It reminds me of Hartman’s wonderfully simple suggestion in Freedom to Live: Know yourself, Accept yourself, Grow yourself, Give yourself. Capturing these in your heart could be a real source of strength in these days.
Hartman’s thinking can be a stimulus in other ways as well. Wayne Carpenter, a former UT student of Hartman, and an Institute Fellow is still deeply wrapped in Hartman’s influence. He shared with me recently some of his own reflections on Hartman’s logic*. These provoke thoughts of what to aspire to — and wish warmly for others— as we journey through each day during this strange time.
- I to I — May you love and be loved.
- E to I — May you find and live your passion.
- S to I — May you never stop looking and learning.
- I to E — May you be kind and do no harm.
- I to S — May you discover your destiny and live your purpose.
- E to E — May you take the chance when it comes your way.
- S to E — May you think before you speak and act.
- E to S — May the winds of time blow your way.
- S to S — May you always find your way home.
(I: Intrinsic E: Extrinsic S: Systemic — The foundation of Hartman’s logic
and the three dimensions outlining how we think and make decisions.)
At a time like this when the normal is not reachable, aspiring and wishing can be rich reminders that we are not alone.
I think of the Institute at this time as well. As we pause in these days of future fuzziness, we too must “find our way home” in some way. At what point should we make the decision on whether to have the October Conference or not? Is there something we can do to help our members feel safe and secure?
How do we reach out to each other? How might the Institute help us each “discover our destiny” in these times and “live our purpose?” How might each of us “take the chance when it comes our way?” How will “the winds of time blow our way” as this pandemic progresses?
I’d love to hear your thoughts. These are questions that will continue to help us “never stop looking and learning,” for sure. Stay safe—and at least somewhat sane.
K.T. Connor, PhD