A list of of favorite books about Hartman and Axiology that were shared by RSHI Members during the monthly Hartman Happy Hour in January 2021.
Here's the list.
Note - A few books of the books that were shared during this Hartman Happy Hour discussion have not been published, as they were part of formal training from people, like Dave and Vera Medford, Wayne Carpenter, and Steve Byrum
Links for Books on the Institute Website:
Books By Robert S. Hartman:
- Five Lectures on Formal Axiology, by Robert S.Hartman
- Wit and Wisdom, a collection of quotes by Robert S. Hartman and edited by Cliff Hurst, PhD and Catherine Blakemore This is a new release!
- Freedom to Live, by Robert S. Hartman and edited by Arthur Ellis
Books Related to Hartman and Axiology:
- The Essentials of Formal Axiology, by Rem B. Edwards
- Dialogues on Values and Centers of Value, by Thomas M. Dicken and Rem B. Edwards
- Axiology Theory & Practice Manual, by David Mefford & Vera Mefford
- Religious Values and Valuation, by Rem B. Edwards
- From the Neck Up, by Dr. Steve Byrum
Easy to understand applications of Axiology:
- The Essentials of Formal Axiology, by Rem B. Edwards
- Value and Valuation, by John Davis
- Answering the Central Question, by Peter Demarest and Harvey Schoof
- Value Centrics, by Peter Demarest and Harvey Schoof
- Discover Your Blind Spots, by Dr. Bob Smith
- What's Your Genius, by Jay Niblick
Books helping with the depth of Axiology:
- Religion, Values and Peak Experiences, by Abraham Maslow
- Meaning in Life and Why it Matters, by Susan Wolf
- Power vs. Force, by David R. Hawkins
It is so great that people who used to meet only once a year can now come together every month and even more due to connections made during the Hartman Happy Hour. We hope to see this sharing of knowledge and excitement over Hartman's work continue to increase in the new year!