
APRIL 2020 | VOLUME 43 | ISSUE 5
Board President Letter
2020 Conference Updates
Membership Reminders
Journal of Axiology Updates
Contributions & Publications Notice
Greetings ,
As we face the crisis of our world today, we see many images of people reaching out to one another. We also hear of the importance of getting in touch with ourselves as well. It reminds me of Hartman’s wonderfully simple suggestion in Freedom to Live: Know yourself, Accept yourself, Grow yourself, Give yourself. Capturing these in your heart could be a real source of strength in these days.
Hartman’s thinking can be a stimulus in other ways as well. Wayne Carpenter, a former UT student of Hartman, and an Institute Fellow is still deeply wrapped in Hartman’s influence. He shared with me recently some of his own reflections on Hartman’s logic*. These provoke thoughts of what to aspire to — and wish warmly for others— as we journey through each day during this strange time.
- I to I — May you love and be loved.
- E to I — May you find and live your passion.
- S to I — May you never stop looking and learning.
- I to E — May you be kind and do no harm.
- I to S — May you discover your destiny and live your purpose.
- E to E — May you take the chance when it comes your way.
- S to E — May you think before you speak and act.
- E to S — May the winds of time blow your way.
- S to S — May you always find your way home.
(I: Intrinsic E: Extrinsic S: Systemic — The foundation of Hartman’s logic and the three dimensions outlining how we think and make decisions.)
At a time like this when the normal is not reachable, aspiring and wishing can be rich reminders that we are not alone.
I think of the Institute at this time as well. As we pause in these days of future fuzziness, we too must “find our way home” in some way. At what point should we make the decision on whether to have the October Conference or not? Is there something we can do to help our members feel safe and secure?
How do we reach out to each other? How might the Institute help us each “discover our destiny” in these times and “live our purpose?” How might each of us “take the chance when it comes our way?” How will “the winds of time blow our way” as this pandemic progresses?
I’d love to hear your thoughts. These are questions that will continue to help us “never stop looking and learning,” for sure. Stay safe—and at least somewhat sane.
K.T. Connor, PhD President


In February's newsletter, prior to the Covid-19 quarantine, we shared the 2020 RSHI Conference plans. Today, of course, the conference is in a holding pattern until we all know more.
We would love to hear your preliminary thoughts and opinions on this.
We'll continue to assess the status and keep you informed.
Tentative 2020 Conference Plans:
- Location: We are super excited to share that the 44th Annual RSHI Conference will be held at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville in their beautiful new Student Union.
- 2020 Theme: Transforming People, Work, and the World
- Dates: Reception October 14th 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Conference Sessions October 15th & 16th 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Agenda: Learn from experts from around the world about how the science of Axiology is transforming business, education, peace, public policy, innovation, ethics, marketing, sports, teams, mindset, coaching, politics, and more. You'll also learn about the UTK Special Collections department - where 100,000+ pages of Hartman's research is archived and their Office of Sustainability will be helping us hold a Zero Waste Event. We expect over 100 attendees!
Do you enjoy playing around with Social Media? Would you (or would someone who works for you) have LESS THAN ONE HOUR A WEEK to monitor and 'play with' RSHI's Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn Feeds?
We have the content and feeds already, we just need someone to take charge of this area. Is this you? If so, please reach out. It would be awesome to get you involved and to get greater traction for the Institute in this area.
Suzie Price VP of IT/Social Media 2020 Conference Host/Chair

We have started the RSHI Blog where our members and board can share all things related to Hartman's work and the Institute.

"If you're like me, you've had some time to sit at home and think. It’s gradually dawning on me that our ability to make axiologically sound judgments depends not only on our own value structures, but also on the “situation” in which we find ourselves. Several of the situations we find ourselves in today are dire—stock market slide; corona virus pandemic; a 20-year-long war; saber-rattling with North Korea and Iran. The list could go on.
How do we use formal axiology to help us make sound value judgments in the face of such situations? In my blog post I share insight from Hartman's writings, when he wrote about the nuclear arms race many years ago. Hartman's insights are timeless. What he shares applies to today. He reminds us:
- Catastrophic situations can positively change how we view our life, and help us elevate our gratitude and zest for life
- "We are ourselves the poets of our fate..." We can use the pandemic as a wake-up call."
If you have a post that informs and educates those interested in Hartman's work, let us know.

Part of your membership includes an optimized member profile in the member directory. Use this space to share your story, link to your website, and promote yourself! See how in the Member's Area Guide.
If you have any trouble accessing or renewing your membership, please email: [email protected]
Catherine Blakemore VP of Membership
Download the Member's Area Guide


We are now inviting submissions of papers for consideration of publication in the 2020 volume of the Journal of Formal Axiology: Theory and Practice.
For the 2020 volume, we are especially interested in articles that pertain to teleological applications of Hartman’s theory.
Don’t be put off by the word “teleology.” It simply means “self-directed, goal-oriented change over time.” If you are using the theory of formal axiology, and/or the HVP in settings such as executive coaching, personal coaching, counseling, or leadership development, you are helping a client or patient to deliberately change over time. These are teleological applications of formal axiology. We welcome case studies, empirical or theoretical papers related to this theme.
We also will consider papers on matters of formal axiology that are not necessarily related to this year’s theme.
Guidelines for submission, as stated in the front pages of the Journal, are:
- This journal is published once a year by the Robert S. Hartman Institute. All articles must have an obvious connection with the formal axiology or value theory of Robert S. Hartman and its applications. Articles may be critical, constructive, creative, theoretical, or applied. None dealing with axiology, in general, will be considered. Articles must advance our understanding of Hartmanian axiology and/or what can be done with it. No manuscripts will be accepted that merely summarize what is already known, or that have been previously published, submitted, or accepted elsewhere.
- MANUSCRIPTS should be submitted as e-mail attachments to Cliff Hurst at: [email protected]. They should be in MS Word format, 12 point type. Articles will be subject to blind review, so the name of and contact information for the author(s) should appear only on the title page, which will be deleted by the Editor before sending the article on to members of our Editorial Advisory Board or to other reviewers for their blind assessment of its worthiness for publication.
Also, remember that one of your RSHI Membership Benefits is access to all Journals, located in the Members Only Area. (If you are not a Member yet, join here.)
Cliff Hurst, PhD VP of Research


The Robert S. Hartman Institute would love your support if you feel inspired by his work and this community!
We do not have employees. The Institute is managed by caring volunteers who give freely of their time to manage the website, conduct research, run the conferences, track members, publish Journals, and more!
We use contributions to cover hard costs - such as paying for tech and research support, covering the cost of the website, the journals, and our conferences. And - we'd like to do so much more. Help us offset hard cost expenses like this. Help us share Hartman's peaceful messages and the path to self-awareness and self-actualization. Your contributions can help us spread these messages and keep Hartman's work alive.

